[political_analysts] Re: WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
"ayub mohammed"
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question would lead into long and wider sense related to the factors .
of the state and its related organs. human history has no peace in any
contry in any period idealing swiss for few hundred years.one who know
the contradictions of the human history do not seek peace as the
history itself is a bundle of contradictions from ancient times.
identifying and adding new factors from time to time to the human
nature which was once described by marx that" productive" .one who
does not correspond alianated from the general nature .this was the
time when he found and analysed .
hegel defined the human nature as universal .every individual has to
live and continue his life till he died that he would never seek prior
to the emergence of the religious books from old testament to the the
present quran ,in his old age tooo as a creature .
the state by changing its features from time to time from a group of
small tribes to the present form of welfare state though it may
contain anti poor qualities and cruelties against its own people as a
representative of the rich class and ruling elite in all ages have
increased its impositions on the every citizen individually and
collectively by forming the catogories for its existence as it has too
the feeder sections and roots in the society which has the families as
units under single roof ,though they have different religions and
faiths with clans and sub-castes who have engaged themselves in the
works that produce for the benifit of the owners whether in
agricultural produce or the industrial produce and may be in service
industrial revolution has completely changed the lives of the people
and the set of norms by the owners of the farm to the industrial
owners that lead the workers and the people in mesery and worsened
their living conditions under the grouing market norms and demand of
the productivity.
we hace already seen the great depression of the 1930s where the
workers have no work and the products have no market.prior tothat the
human history have also seen the practical possibilities of the great
revolutions both in russia and china .apart from taking the shape as a
leader of the economy of the state have to find its existence and
survival for that it has to eshtablish the colonies for futher
exploitation of the resourceful stated as its markets .so human
history have seen the 2 wars as a result of clash among such nations
which need the requirements of the survival.
coming here again on human nature ,every one have his or her own
priorities ,interests,reaction s ,feelings
,influences, responces, abilities, skills ,neccessities ,demands ,wishes
.requirement of previliges
,recognisions, honours,responsi bilities, apart from religious
affiliations ,religius vialations,hurts that are very different to
person to person from time to time from incident to incident and
issues to issues both in hidden and open form while living in
societies with their families ,friends and social circles,
these things slowly starts influencing priorities of every indivial
internally as a symptom they uses some open cr4iticism at some real
and closed cirlces with the like mindes ,with and without influences
on thir priorities by others whom they has reserved and special
treatments as a like minded ones.
these ideas from one to one are very different on every thing like
listen ,read and live .but some sensitive adopts one by one results on
their priritises issues by metirializing for practical purposes
internally .
till that time they pass their life as usual and get the treatment
asusal way they have with their family in the society but no would be
able to find the act while interaction in all the ways they have .
sudden change as a result of internal contadictions emerge through the
acts in the society .then the world and the people call them terrorists .
ayub mohammed
In political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com, "Hanna Jaeckel"
> How did "terrorists" get treated in your communities before Bush and
his crazies fomented this new huge concept of evil forces all around
us! How did they get treated on a local level? I mean, this kind of
violence against institutions and groups has been around for a very,
very long time! I am curious, can anybody teach me something?
> Hanna
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bhaskar Dasgupta
> To:
political_analysts@ yahoogroups. compolitical_analysts@ yahoogroups. com>
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:51 AM
> Subject: RE: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> No, I am afraid not. One man's terrorist is NOT another man's
freedom fighter. That is a very simplistic viewing of the situation.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter only when you
compare the two in two different legal systems, otherwise, one man's
terrorist remains another man's terrorist.
> Yes, I do mean what I say. We have armed forces, military
intelligence forces, whose job is to kill. Why are you surprised? What
do you think India is doing in Baluchistan? distributing sweets? They
are government employees, makes a difference, doesnt it? To think of a
government employee blowing up people? Now you see why India gets so
upset with the pakistani government employees blowing up Indians when
you dont see Pakistani's getting upset.
> You will also see why saying one man's terrorist is another man's
freedom fighter doesnt work and is dangerously trite way of looking at
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> From: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of shadab hussain
> Sent: 05 October 2006 20:42
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> No Bhaskar. This is certainly not wrong comparison. One man's
terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Our spy deserves a right
of clemency but their doesnt, is the problem. Though they would also
behave the same but its not correct.
> Btw, what did you mean by "Asking for the commutation of death
sentence for a government employee doing his job is different from
terrorists attacking parliament"? The job of our Government employee
was a bomb blast killing people in another country. I hope you realize
what you meant here.
> As for inconsistency on public part, clemency appeal for Dara
Singh, can not be justified on any line. Neither can be justified for
any case that Md Ayyub have mentioned about low caste and high caste
perpetrators. The bitter truth is we vote on sectarian lines, we fight
for sectarian benefits, but we always blame others for wrong. Take it
with a grain of salt. ;-)
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Bhaskar Dasgupta
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 11:54:33 PM
> Subject: RE: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> Shadab, because you are comparing apples and oranges. Asking for
the commutation of death sentence for a government employee doing his
job is different from terrorists attacking parliament. So the Indian
public is being entirely consistent. Use the same frame of reference,
the Indian Penal Code and you will see the consistency.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> From: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of shadab hussain
> Sent: 04 October 2006 22:58
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> Eagle, I dont know why you dont understand the obvious. Let me try
> I personally am supporter of Capital Punishment however it must be
fair and consistent. My protest is that on one hand we protest
hanging-up of our Spy in another nation for a bomb blast while we
absolutely want captital punishment without even a request for
clemency for a chap who bombed our people and premises. My problem is
hypocrisy here and the only difference is I see as nationality,
religion and caste factors. Let me paste again what I have said many
times earlier.
> Sarabjit Sing, an Indian Spy who was charged and tried for bomb
blasts in Pakistan in 1990 was finally awarded death penalty in I
believe 2005 by Pakistan. In run up to that, most Indians were
sympathishing with the chap and were demonstrating and pleading for
clemency. Even the Central government of India made plea to Pakistan
> I fail to understand the hypocrisy here. Why a person who did bomb
blast in Pakistan was sympathised while a Kashmir who did in India
doesnt have any right to clemency. Whatever is the approach, at least
have a consisten, fair and non-hypocrite approach.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: EagleSM23
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:23:29 PM
> Subject: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> Shadab,
> Many criminals are executed in India.
> Why spare the one who killed so many?
> Just because Afzal is Muslim, thats why
> he should be spared? Is this Justice?
> And what kind? Being soft with Terrorist
> will encourage more terrorism. Do not
> sympathize with the terrorist because he
> is your Muslim brother. Think rationally!
> -Eagle
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
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__._,_.___ question would lead into long and wider sense related to the factors .
of the state and its related organs. human history has no peace in any
contry in any period idealing swiss for few hundred years.one who know
the contradictions of the human history do not seek peace as the
history itself is a bundle of contradictions from ancient times.
identifying and adding new factors from time to time to the human
nature which was once described by marx that" productive" .one who
does not correspond alianated from the general nature .this was the
time when he found and analysed .
hegel defined the human nature as universal .every individual has to
live and continue his life till he died that he would never seek prior
to the emergence of the religious books from old testament to the the
present quran ,in his old age tooo as a creature .
the state by changing its features from time to time from a group of
small tribes to the present form of welfare state though it may
contain anti poor qualities and cruelties against its own people as a
representative of the rich class and ruling elite in all ages have
increased its impositions on the every citizen individually and
collectively by forming the catogories for its existence as it has too
the feeder sections and roots in the society which has the families as
units under single roof ,though they have different religions and
faiths with clans and sub-castes who have engaged themselves in the
works that produce for the benifit of the owners whether in
agricultural produce or the industrial produce and may be in service
industrial revolution has completely changed the lives of the people
and the set of norms by the owners of the farm to the industrial
owners that lead the workers and the people in mesery and worsened
their living conditions under the grouing market norms and demand of
the productivity.
we hace already seen the great depression of the 1930s where the
workers have no work and the products have no market.prior tothat the
human history have also seen the practical possibilities of the great
revolutions both in russia and china .apart from taking the shape as a
leader of the economy of the state have to find its existence and
survival for that it has to eshtablish the colonies for futher
exploitation of the resourceful stated as its markets .so human
history have seen the 2 wars as a result of clash among such nations
which need the requirements of the survival.
coming here again on human nature ,every one have his or her own
priorities ,interests,reaction s ,feelings
,influences, responces, abilities, skills ,neccessities ,demands ,wishes
.requirement of previliges
,recognisions, honours,responsi bilities, apart from religious
affiliations ,religius vialations,hurts that are very different to
person to person from time to time from incident to incident and
issues to issues both in hidden and open form while living in
societies with their families ,friends and social circles,
these things slowly starts influencing priorities of every indivial
internally as a symptom they uses some open cr4iticism at some real
and closed cirlces with the like mindes ,with and without influences
on thir priorities by others whom they has reserved and special
treatments as a like minded ones.
these ideas from one to one are very different on every thing like
listen ,read and live .but some sensitive adopts one by one results on
their priritises issues by metirializing for practical purposes
internally .
till that time they pass their life as usual and get the treatment
asusal way they have with their family in the society but no would be
able to find the act while interaction in all the ways they have .
sudden change as a result of internal contadictions emerge through the
acts in the society .then the world and the people call them terrorists .
ayub mohammed
In political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com, "Hanna Jaeckel"
> How did "terrorists" get treated in your communities before Bush and
his crazies fomented this new huge concept of evil forces all around
us! How did they get treated on a local level? I mean, this kind of
violence against institutions and groups has been around for a very,
very long time! I am curious, can anybody teach me something?
> Hanna
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bhaskar Dasgupta
> To:
political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:51 AM
> Subject: RE: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> No, I am afraid not. One man's terrorist is NOT another man's
freedom fighter. That is a very simplistic viewing of the situation.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter only when you
compare the two in two different legal systems, otherwise, one man's
terrorist remains another man's terrorist.
> Yes, I do mean what I say. We have armed forces, military
intelligence forces, whose job is to kill. Why are you surprised? What
do you think India is doing in Baluchistan? distributing sweets? They
are government employees, makes a difference, doesnt it? To think of a
government employee blowing up people? Now you see why India gets so
upset with the pakistani government employees blowing up Indians when
you dont see Pakistani's getting upset.
> You will also see why saying one man's terrorist is another man's
freedom fighter doesnt work and is dangerously trite way of looking at
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> From: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of shadab hussain
> Sent: 05 October 2006 20:42
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> No Bhaskar. This is certainly not wrong comparison. One man's
terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Our spy deserves a right
of clemency but their doesnt, is the problem. Though they would also
behave the same but its not correct.
> Btw, what did you mean by "Asking for the commutation of death
sentence for a government employee doing his job is different from
terrorists attacking parliament"? The job of our Government employee
was a bomb blast killing people in another country. I hope you realize
what you meant here.
> As for inconsistency on public part, clemency appeal for Dara
Singh, can not be justified on any line. Neither can be justified for
any case that Md Ayyub have mentioned about low caste and high caste
perpetrators. The bitter truth is we vote on sectarian lines, we fight
for sectarian benefits, but we always blame others for wrong. Take it
with a grain of salt. ;-)
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Bhaskar Dasgupta
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 11:54:33 PM
> Subject: RE: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> Shadab, because you are comparing apples and oranges. Asking for
the commutation of death sentence for a government employee doing his
job is different from terrorists attacking parliament. So the Indian
public is being entirely consistent. Use the same frame of reference,
the Indian Penal Code and you will see the consistency.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> From: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of shadab hussain
> Sent: 04 October 2006 22:58
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> Eagle, I dont know why you dont understand the obvious. Let me try
> I personally am supporter of Capital Punishment however it must be
fair and consistent. My protest is that on one hand we protest
hanging-up of our Spy in another nation for a bomb blast while we
absolutely want captital punishment without even a request for
clemency for a chap who bombed our people and premises. My problem is
hypocrisy here and the only difference is I see as nationality,
religion and caste factors. Let me paste again what I have said many
times earlier.
> Sarabjit Sing, an Indian Spy who was charged and tried for bomb
blasts in Pakistan in 1990 was finally awarded death penalty in I
believe 2005 by Pakistan. In run up to that, most Indians were
sympathishing with the chap and were demonstrating and pleading for
clemency. Even the Central government of India made plea to Pakistan
> I fail to understand the hypocrisy here. Why a person who did bomb
blast in Pakistan was sympathised while a Kashmir who did in India
doesnt have any right to clemency. Whatever is the approach, at least
have a consisten, fair and non-hypocrite approach.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: EagleSM23
> To: political_analysts@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:23:29 PM
> Subject: [political_analysts ] WHY VICTIMS SAY "SHOW NO MERCY"
> Shadab,
> Many criminals are executed in India.
> Why spare the one who killed so many?
> Just because Afzal is Muslim, thats why
> he should be spared? Is this Justice?
> And what kind? Being soft with Terrorist
> will encourage more terrorism. Do not
> sympathize with the terrorist because he
> is your Muslim brother. Think rationally!
> -Eagle
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
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